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User Name:SuriDurai
Sex Male
Country of Birth India (Republic of)
Country of Residence India (Republic of)
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Opinions Expressed by User for the following Questions

What is your opinion on God ? religion ?

God is nothing but Truth. If God is Truth (Satya), then what is Truth? Truth is a vibrant and dynamic force, which is all pervading. The only all-pervading Truth that I know of is Air, for without Air there is no life or Jeeva. Jeeva is worshipped with many names in different parts of the world. How can I be so certain that Truth or God is nothing but Air? The answer is because the moment we stop breathing and die there is nothing but an empty shell known as a dead body. God is the life force and since our parents have given us life we can verily call them our physical Gods. There is no other God greater than our Mother and Father. God has sent us into this world to learn something and therefore we also call God our Teacher or Guru. That is the reason why ancient Hinduism worshipped Mata, Pitha and Guru as the 3 Devas. This Trinity has parallels in many religions. In Christianity this Triumvirate is called the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost or Spirit. God the Father can be compared to our physical Father while the Son of God is the Teacher and the Mother is the Holy Spirit or Shakti. As mentioned earlier God is Air and and Air permeates every cell and tissue of our body. While God resides in various forms in each one of our Chakras, the Supreme Commander of these Chakras resides on the seat of the Alpha or Aadhi. Aadhi resides in the top most part of the crown of our Head. In fact when we are born as little children, the crown is very soft and the skull is not fully hardened. As a result children are in closer communion with God than we adults could ever be. In Tamil, the seat of the Alpha or Aadhi is called “Uchi Kuzhi”. The word 'Uchi' means the top most level or pinnacle and the word 'Kuzhi' means a hole. Loosely translated the word means the “Hole at the top” or “Topmost Hole”. Ancient sages and seers used to travel from their body to another body in another place or time by coming out of themselves through the hole at the Top. This technique of leaving the body and residing in another body is called “Koodu vittu Koodu Payurathu”, which means leaping or jumping from one body or cage to another because our body is indeed a cage for our soul. Coming back to the subject of God, I must add that God resides within us but is present everywhere. That is why we can confidently say that each and every one of us is God himself. My Guru therefore used to wish all humans with folded hands even if they were much younger than himself and would address all mortals as Swamy or God. My belief that Man is God is also reiterated by the fact that the Bible says that God made Man in his own image. We shall now tackle the second sub-question related to Religion. Frankly speaking, I do not believe in religion. I believe that God made man and Man made Religion. God never established any religion it was only man in all his wisdom who established religion. God never mandated religion. My mother tongue calls religion as “Matham”. The word ‘Matham’ is also used to describe the madness or masth of an elephant. My Guru used to say that a person who believes in religion can be compared to a mad elephant since a person who starts believing in the superiority of his religion becomes so fanatical and cannot see reason, (behaving like a mad elephant that tramples on everything in its path) thereby causing communal strife and hatred. Religions are usually established by well meaning Saints and Avatars of God but over a passage of time the principles as expounded by these Saints and Avatars are mis-interpreted either deliberately or unintentionally by their followers and therefore looses the seeds of Truth that they initially contained. Religion also leads to ritualism and thereby promotes misunderstanding about God in the minds of believers. To conclude I can summarise that God is the life force or Air and that God resides in each one of us. I can also boldly state that God did not create any religion and therefore I do not believe in Religion.

What is your opinion on love ? sex ? marriage ?

God is Love. Truth is equal to love.The modern world and the media have cheapened the meaning of the word love and have portrayed a baser kind of instinct as love. The problem is that love has been confused with lust. Love is something so pure that it is equal to Truth in terms of purity. All worldly love - whether it is the love of a mother or father, love of a man to his wife or love of a woman to her husband, love of a child to a parent, love of a friend, love of a relative, love of any other form- all such worldly love has a reason or motive. This is what cheapens such love. True love is without any expectations of any kind and is not love with a cause or reason. Even love of God with the purpose of wanting to attain Motcha or liberation of the soul cannot be called true love. Love of God without expecting to receive anything from God can only allow a person to realize and experience true love. Sex is the most vital act to the very existence of mankind and therefore the most sacred too. However, mankind and the media have commercialised sex to the extent that it has become cheap and trivial. The sexual act is the very basis of procreation and the ancients realized that it is the most vital of all our activities on earth. The male and the female genitals were considered divine as they were the givers of life and were therefore worshipped by them. The act of sex was considered so divine that sculptures and paintings of couples involved in the act in different postures were depicted on the walls of the temples and a treatise on sex known as the Kama Sutra was written which still stands as the most enlightened work on the subject. While discussing the subject of sex I have to also discuss the value and importance of sperm the carrier of life. Modern youth have failed to realise the value of this most vital substance and spend their entire life wasting it. In fact the more a man controls his sperm and does not waste it in his young age the more powerful and strong willed he will be. Control over the desire for sex and control over the sperm will also result in control over the mind and we can only then tame the monkey called the mind. However, modern science has failed to understand the value and importance of the human sperm and I have personally talked to doctors and psychiatrists who feel that juvenile masturbation and wastage of sperm is harmless and it is in no way detrimental to the human body and its sexual prowess. I have personally experienced the ill effects of sperm wastage and excessive masturbation on the body and mind. It is only those who do not control the urge to masturbate or indulge in sex at a very early age who end up as juvenile delinquents, drug addicts and alcoholics.The modern trend of being sexually promiscuous and being uninhibited in the name of liberation is very dangerous and will only lead the country to ruin. Karma makes an individual indulge or restrain from sexual excesses. Marriage leads to fulfillment of one’s life and broadens a person’s outlook to life itself. Marriage is also a duty to our parents and our forefathers that we have to fulfill as only if we get married can we bring into this world souls, which are karmically connected to us, as our children. I am totally opposed to celibacy, as I believe that a person can attain liberation from the cycle of births and deaths only if he fulfills all his duties as a householder. Even the greatest celibate sage, seer or prophet cannot attain Motcha or liberation unless he completes his duties as a householder in that particular birth. I would like to therefore clarify that indulging in sex with your soul mate or spouse is not wastage of your resources. Your mate is fertile land wherein you have to plant your seed and I can only say that I am against sowing wild oats but not against sowing oats in your farm.

Are you happy ? Why or why not? How do you think a person can be happy ?

What is Happiness? Happiness is a state of mind resulting from pleasant stimuli received by any or all of the five senses. The very fact that one attains happiness through the five senses or 5 elements, which they are made up of, will help us understand that happiness is Maya or an illusion. If happiness is an illusion is it then advisable to be sad? What is sadness? Sadness once again is a state of mind resulting from unpleasant stimuli received by any or all of the five senses. The very fact that one obtains sadness through the five senses or 5 elements, which they are made up of, will help us understand that sadness is also Maya or an illusion. Then what is the best state to be in? I would say that practicing equipoise would enable a man to overcome Maya or illusion. Equipoise can be described as being neutral i.e. neither being happy nor sad. Greater than this would be the ability to laugh heartily when you are sad and be sorrowful when you are very happy. However, if one were to show opposing responses to the actual stimuli, the person would be labeled mad. Is it possible for a man to live with equipoise in this world? I would say yes. Ancient literature says that a man should live his life like a drop of water on a lotus leaf. If you observe a drop of water that has fallen on a lotus leaf you will find that the water is unable to attach itself to the leaf and rolls about on the leaf. This is called ‘detached attachment’ or ‘attached detachment’. Since one has to live in this world and participate in all these worldly activities it is best to seem attached while actually being detached. This means that happiness or sadness may be experienced but one should not allow it to affect the equilibrium of the soul. Therefore to answer the question whether I am happy, I would say that I am neither happy nor sad though at times I may outwardly appear to be so. One of my friends on witnessing my behaviour claimed that I was a hypocrite and that I was only acting like I was happy while I was not. I don’t think I am a hypocrite if I act happy just to please my friends and relatives. I don’t think I will become a hypocrite if I behave somberly in the presence of others who are sad or grieving. I cannot expect everyone to be like me and I therefore have to respect and reciprocate others feelings. To answer the last part of the question, ‘how do you think a person can be happy?’ I would like to state that only when a person is attached to something that is not Maya, could one be happy. By this I mean the attachment to God or Truth. Attachment to Maya or illusion can never bring happiness and only attachment to Truth can bring permanent and real bliss.

If you think you are wealthy ? what made you this wealth ? if you are not wealthy, what kept you back ?

The answer to this question depends on what a person terms wealth. While the worldly definition of wealth includes all material assets, money, gold, silver, precious stones and the like, wealth also has a different kind of meaning when it refers to something abstract such as knowledge and good virtues. You may have heard people use the phrase, “S/He has a wealth of Knowledge” or “S/He is rich in virtues”. Thus wealth and riches can be classified into material and spiritual wealth. Knowing fully well that those who had framed this question meant it in the material sense I shall herein after limit my discussion to material wealth. No. I am not at all materially wealthy and in fact live a hand to mouth existence. Actually I do not even possess a computer and utilize my friends’ computers or visit a cyber cafe whenever the urge strikes me. I normally remain unemployed for 7 to 8 months in a year and find it extremely difficult at times to even survive. However, my Guru takes care of me and when the need is very urgent or important he will some how ensure that I am able to earn exactly what I need. Whatever money I have ever earned in this world has only been what my Guru thought was fit for me to earn. I sincerely believe that all money and wealth belongs to God and we are given money and wealth to keep as trustees on behalf of God. When I hear some people claim “It is my money” I am really amused for how proprietary we have become towards what has been given to us to hold in trust during our lives. What did we bring to this world when we were born? What can we take from this world when we die? The answer is nothing and likewise nothing belongs to us when we are alive in this world. Some people are born rich and some people acquire riches but whatever the case may be money is given to them by God to hold in trust as a test of their character. God gives the money and then evaluates the person to see if the money affects them and makes them egoistical, sinful, vice ridden or lustful. Money is a form of temptation given by God to check if the person succumbs to the seven deadly sins. Don’t forget that God is a teacher and he tries to teach us by giving us money and also tests us by giving us money. My Guru whom I call Swamy worked as a sweeper in a company owned by the British during those days and refused to accept any kind of promotion even when he was offered better pay by the British bosses. He used to say that the promotion and better scale of pay would bring along additional burdens that he did not want in life. He remained content to complete his duties as a sweeper by sweeping the premises for an hour in the morning and evening and spent the remainder of the day in prayer. In fact the sweeper had a dedicated band of disciples in the factory some of whom were the superior officials of my Guru Swamy himself. Many rich men used to come to Swamy for favours and help. Though Swamy would help them he would never take anything from them. Even if they offered him good food he would say that if he were to consume it today his body will then ask for it the next day and therefore it was better to avoid it today. I must also recollect here how Swamy used to describe his state of poverty. He used to use the Tamil word “Thari thiram” to describe his state. While the word is commonly understood in Tamil as unlucky or as bad fortune, Swamy had a different meaning for it. He used to split the word into ‘Thari’ which means loom and ‘thiram’ which means strong or solid. He used to say that the loom (body) in which the thread of life or the breath of life was being weaved was getting stronger through his poverty. If any body has kept me back from wealth, it is only my value systems and beliefs that have done so. I have drawn inspiration from the life of my Guru and will do as he desires even if it means remaining without wealth.

What is your opinion on death ?

The fifth question the list of ten questions of life relates to something that everyone of us must ultimately face. There has been no human born on this earth who has not died. Death is inevitable and cannot be put off by the wisest or wealthiest of souls. Then why worry about death. Death is not the most important thing in life. What is most important is the way we live between our birth and death. Death is just the gates to a new beginning and if our conscience is clear and if we have lived a good life, we need not fear death. It is only those who have sinned and not repented or not tried to do good who have to worry about death. Death is Maya because what is really destroyed by death is not really our self but only our physical body. More than death it is how the dead body is dealt with that is most important. Civilisations and cultures which do not believe in rebirth bury the dead body while other civilisations and cultures which believe in rebirth burn the body. The reason for this is simple. When the body is buried the soul continues to hover over the grave because it cannot leave the world completely and has to wait for the body to completely disintegrate and turn to mud. Hence there is a time lag in completing the cycle of birth and death. However when a body is burnt the disintegration is faster and thus a soul is able to be reborn sooner. While modern science terms people into various categories of death such as brain dead and clinically dead, ancient wisdom tells us that the body dies slowly even though it may stop breathing and the pulse stops beating. In one of my earlier posts, I had mentioned that the body is made up of ten different Vayus or gases. At death, the first Vayu to leave the human body is the Prana Vayu and the other nine gases subsequently follow suit one by one. The last gas to leave the body is the Dhananjayea Vayu which resides within the skull and leaves with a popping sound when the body is engulfed in flames and the heat of the fire makes the skull burst out. Only after the Dhananjeya Vayu leaves can the body completely disintegrate and the soul can then prepare to takes its next form and be reborn. Therefore like every other mortal I trudge on the path of Lfe and Truth until the invisible hand of death will grasp me gently and take me onward to a better life. I shall at a later date deal with this subject since I will have to provide the reader a better understanding of my Guru's philosophy before I can expound more about the subject.

What do you think is the most efficient way to make money ?

It is a pity that I have been asked this question since I am the least qualified on this planet to answer this. Efficiency in making money can be achieved only through due diligence. My personal experience in not making money has taught me that doing the thing which makes one happy is the best way to make money. But obviously, happiness is only Maya as much as making moolah is.

What is THE MOST important thing to you in your life ? Why ?

The most important thing to me in this world is the act of breathing for without breathing I would die. I have always maintained that breathing is the most important thing in this world and that the God resides in the Air that we breathe. Therefore the vey act of breathing is an act of worshipping God. Air is the very essence of Life. The Life Force, itself. Life as per ancient scriptures was called as "Jeeva". Over a period of time "Jeeva" evolved into "Seeva" and then "Siva". "Siva" or "The Life force" is the very basis of all creation and was hence represented by a Phallic symbol to signify "The very root of creation". Air is the very essence of Life and what we breathe. Hence breathing is the very essence of our being i.e. breathing is the cause of all good and bad in our body and in our mind. Each individual human being who has been given the Breath of Life breathes differently and has a breathing pattern all his own. Just as every one has a different set of finger prints and no two sets are the same; so also are no two breathing patterns are the same. A man is moulded by the breathing pattern that he follows and a good pattern makes a man grow physically and mentally. A wrong pattern will wreck a man both physically and mentally. That is the way saints or crooks are made. It is because of this lack of understanding of the importance of breathing patterns that modern science is looking at the body and mind in isolation and not in totality. When Air flows through the right nostril we call it Suriya Kala and when we breathe through the left nostril we say that the "Chandrakala" is in operation. While stating this, I must also clarify that though this is a hard and fast rule for normal people, it is not the case for some extraordinarily evolved people. Such people may have breath flowing through both nostrils at the same time. Such people will not be fit for worldly life and will be better of to spend their time in constant prayer. If such people do not enter into prayer and indulge in worldly physical relationships with members of the opposite gender, they will give birth to an eunuch. The right nostril and the flow of air through the same is considered to be a sign of victory and all that is done during this period will be successful. When air flows through the Suriyakala we call it a time for doing. When air flows through the Chandrakala we call it a time for dreaming and relaxing. The Suriyakala is so named because it has all the characteristics of the sun. Needless to say that a man indulging in physical relationships during the flow of Suriyakala will conceive a male heir and a man indulging in the same during the flow of the Chandrakala will conceive a female only. While doctors scan the foetus and test the DNA to determine the gender of the offspring, ancient wisdom has shown us the easiest way to determine gender at the time of conception itself. A student of the fine art of breathing can learn to alternate the flow of breath from one nostril to the other. This changing of Kala could be done through bodily postures as well as mental exercises. Breath is the connection or bridge between the soul, the mind and the body. Mastery of The Breath can give man the bliss, which he is seeking. When the breathing is uncontrolled the 5 elements or pancha Boothas, which make up our physical body are not in balance and are disturbed. This leads to mental and physical conditions of ill health or strange uncharacteristic behaviour of the body and the mind . Therefore I have no hesitation in saying that breathing and the Air that we breathe are the most important things as far as everyone including myself are concerned.

If you had to pass on advise to your kids about how to live life, what would that be ?

Frankly speaking, I don’t believe in advising others for the simple reason that during my younger days, I didn’t like anybody trying to advise me. Life is to be experienced and the experiences that one obtains in life (both good and bad experiences) are the cause or effect of Karma. Having said this, I must also add that I would be failing in my duty as a Father if I were not to inform my children about certain basic guidelines for a good life, though accepting and following them or distancing themselves from such guidelines would be up to them. A child to live life to the fullest must understand the two basic laws of Karma and follow the nine guidelines to life. They are: http://suri-durai.sulekha.com/blog/post/2007/05/the-disciple-answers-the-eighth-question.htm

Is a person in control of his/her destiny ? Why or why not ?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. Before I confuse you any further let me explain the whys and why nots. http://suri-durai.sulekha.com/blog/post/2007/05/the-disciple-answers-the-ninth-question.htm

Do you think it would be helpful for a person to read what you have said ? Why or why not ?

I really don’t think a person will benefit much from what I have said in response to the earlier nine questions. Every man is living out his Karma and Karma can only be changed by the individual who is living out the Karma or by his Teacher-Guru who is the manifestation of God on this earth. http://suri-durai.sulekha.com/blog/post/2007/05/the-disciple-answers-the-tenth-question.htm

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