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User Information

User Name:Kabeer
Sex Male
Age 41 - 50 years
Salary $100,000 - $ 1 million
Orientation Heterosexual
Country of Birth India (Republic of)
Country of Residence United States of America
Religion at Birth Muslim
Practicing Religion Agnostic
Status at Birth Middle Class
Status Currently Middle Class

User's Background Information

I am a family man, physician. I consider myself lucky to have what I have and I am constantly stressed to lose the same.

Opinions Expressed by User for the following Questions

What is your opinion on God ? religion ?

God = Benevolence Religion - Spiritually inclining your compass to a benevolent God.

What is your opinion on love ? sex ? marriage ?

Love - happens more than once but not many find it. And some who have it may not realize it. Sex - Fun and happiness Marriage - Respect, love and compassion.

Are you happy ? Why or why not? How do you think a person can be happy ?

Mostly yes. Because I feel lucky to have what I have. I think a person can be happy by realizing his own inner potential.

If you think you are wealthy ? what made you this wealth ? if you are not wealthy, what kept you back ?

I think I am wealthy. Luck made me this wealth.

What is your opinion on death ?

Death is a passage.

What do you think is the most efficient way to make money ?

Stock market, because I've never really used that option.

What is THE MOST important thing to you in your life ? Why ?

My kids. Because I love them more than anything else.

If you had to pass on advise to your kids about how to live life, what would that be ?

Be happy. Work hard. Make decisions. Cultivate positivity.

Is a person in control of his/her destiny ? Why or why not ?

No. Too many things happen to a person by chance.

Do you think it would be helpful for a person to read what you have said ? Why or why not ?

No. These are just my observation, I don't believe there is anything to take from them.

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