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User Information

User Name:jcoles
Sex Male
Age 18 - 30 years
Salary $10,000 - $50,000
Orientation Heterosexual
Address Okayama-shi, Okayama.
Country of Birth Japan
Country of Residence Japan
Religion at Birth Buddhist
Practicing Religion Buddhist
Status at Birth Middle Class
Status Currently Middle Class

User's Background Information

I am a very fun loving and a bit too social.

Opinions Expressed by User for the following Questions

What is your opinion on God ? religion ?

We are living with god. He is universal and omnipresent. He watches our each and every activity and judges accordingly. Religion is how you take it. You can see it in creating the divide between same human race or you can see it the ways through which it teaches to live life.

What is your opinion on love ? sex ? marriage ?

There is no fixed time for love to come. It can happen any time. It may require a seconds’ glance or whole life glance may not be enough for love to happen. I don’t believe in sex unless we love each other. Without emotions love is just an exercise. It applies for marriage too. If you are married to a person whom you don’t love at all then actually you have ruined the two lives.

Are you happy ? Why or why not? How do you think a person can be happy ?

I don’t want to call my-self a happy person and stop aspiring bigger things in life. As long as I strive for happiness I am striving for bigger things in life. Happiness is the extreme end of your life.

If you think you are wealthy ? what made you this wealth ? if you are not wealthy, what kept you back ?

Yes I am. The reason why I am healthy is that I understand the value of small amounts. After all big amount is comprised of smaller amounts only. If you value smaller amounts you will be able to get bigger.

What is your opinion on death ?

Why should we give a thought over a matter to which our opinion matters nothing. It has to come one day and it will come one day.

What do you think is the most efficient way to make money ?

Selling your ideas is the most easiest as well as most efficient way to earn. In other words it is to use your brain more than to your body is the most efficient way to make money.

What is THE MOST important thing to you in your life ? Why ?

Family is to me first. They have been with me all my difficult times hence they are most important to me.

If you had to pass on advise to your kids about how to live life, what would that be ?

I tell them to value smaller things in life. After all the union of smaller things make larger things.

Is a person in control of his/her destiny ? Why or why not ?

Destiny sometimes acts like an obstacle in working harder. When we get failures, we quit saying it was not in our destiny. But actually a little more patience can create miracles.

Do you think it would be helpful for a person to read what you have said ? Why or why not ?

Things which I have said are my own true and genuine beliefs. I think it should help.

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