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User Information

User Name:hmohd
Sex Male
Age 31 - 40 years
Salary $10,000 - $50,000
Orientation Heterosexual
Address Tehran
Country of Birth Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Country of Residence Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Religion at Birth Muslim
Practicing Religion Muslim
Status at Birth Middle Class
Status Currently Middle Class

User's Background Information

An artist, who loves to paint.Says painting is the only necessity for his survival. Hard working and determined to do something big.

Opinions Expressed by User for the following Questions

What is your opinion on God ? religion ?

I find god in art. He is with me when I am making any paintings. I worship art. Nothing more right now. Religion is a divider between human races. It divides us. Over Practicing is harmful. We should avoid it.

What is your opinion on love ? sex ? marriage ?

Love is an intense feeling. You can’t prevent it. You can’t escape this feeling. It gives you joy and can hurt you at times. Sex is an exercise for love. It strengthens the love. Marriage is just a tradition. You can live without this. All that matters is the understanding.

Are you happy ? Why or why not? How do you think a person can be happy ?

In some ways I am happy and in some ways I m not. I want to be a very famous artist. If I be happy now then I wont be able to work harder. I am happy because till now I am satisfied. Few people know me and admire me. I think that is a good start.

If you think you are wealthy ? what made you this wealth ? if you are not wealthy, what kept you back ?

No I am not at all wealthy. All I know is wealth doesn’t matter to me. This ideology of mine is keeping me aback from earning lot.

What is your opinion on death ?

Death is one of the nicest thing that a living being can get. After this no responsibility, nothing.

What do you think is the most efficient way to make money ?

I think start a business..invest in few things whose future is bright. That’s it.

What is THE MOST important thing to you in your life ? Why ?

My success. Everyone who relates to me should be proud of my achievement. I think that will my biggest achievement and hence this is the most important thing in my life.

If you had to pass on advise to your kids about how to live life, what would that be ?

Just live the moment. Feel every moment. There is something great about every moment. Enjoy your life without thinking of future.

Is a person in control of his/her destiny ? Why or why not ?

Yes a bit. After all it is destiny who takes you here and there. You might change it but your destiny will the most powerful.

Do you think it would be helpful for a person to read what you have said ? Why or why not ?

Yes I think it will be helpful. I know these are right according to my senses.

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