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User Information

User Name:JD
Sex Male
Age 31 - 40 years
Salary $10,000 - $50,000
Orientation Heterosexual
Phone 3122860512
Address 2140 Nairn Drive Winter Park, FL 32836
Country of Birth United States of America
Country of Residence United States of America
Religion at Birth Christian
Practicing Religion Christian
Status at Birth Rich
Status Currently Middle Class

User's Background Information

I was raised in a wealthy Catholic family with 3 siblings, all sisters. Our family was never in need financially due to my father's successful medical practice. I worked very little until college at which point I only worked to pay for "fun" expenses as basic needs and education were paid for by my parents. Our family was and still is quite close, even more so after my mother's death from lung cancer at age 66 a little over 7 years ago.

Opinions Expressed by User for the following Questions

What is your opinion on God ? religion ?

I believe in a supreme being. I'm confident that this entity whom some people call God or in the case of Native Americans, the Great Mystery, or even Buddha, is a manifestation of the supreme being. I believe that humans understand or comprehend certain ideas within the framework of the time and place in which they exist. In other words, there really is no difference between my conception of God and the Great Mystery, only a different name attached to a very similar idea. Religion is different from one's own belief in relation to spirituality as it inherently has a social aspect and in the case of Christianity, usually means attending some sort of service on Sunday or Saturday night where clergy leads that service. Religion to me is a generic, mundane term, too often leading to stereotypical conceptions of a set of beliefs that practicing individuals may nor not ascribe to.

What is your opinion on love ? sex ? marriage ?

Love can take many forms, and is very different when attempting to define love between a life partner versus the feeling one feels towards siblings or pets or even friends. My opinion on love is its an unselfish emotion of kindness and caring whereby you put your own needs and wants aside and place another's needs first. Sex is the physical fulfillment of an erotic desire. This may occur between two individuals, by yourself, or with an inanimate object. I believe people should be more open concerning their sexual desires especially with respect to their partner if they are married. Marriage is a verbal commitment between two individuals to love and support each other emotionally for life. My opinion on marriage is that too often individuals embark upon this path without fully understanding the commitment it entails. More often than not, individuals marry for selfish reasons and aren't truly becoming a union. Being married, while not easy, can be the most fulfilling and loving relationship an individual will experience. Due to this belief, I think a person's marriage should have an utmost priority in nearly every aspect of their life. While I believe humans must emphasize their individuality, when married, one must think about how an action affects not only oneself, but another, and thus, could affect this incredibly important relationship.

Are you happy ? Why or why not? How do you think a person can be happy ?

Sometimes, I believe I am happy, but often I am dissatisfied with the trajectory of my life. I think happiness is an emotion relative to your belief system concerning the world. I look at our society and see the rampant greed and crime and many people extolling the virtues of capitalism and wealth. Many of these people believe they are happy, but is this happiness? Does accumulating wealth and material possessions make one happy? I'm confused as I believe much of our society has lost their moral compass and associates wealth with happiness. Obviously, the creature comforts of life make living each and every day more pleasurable However, as I get a little older and acquire a little more wisdom, I believe one can find true happiness in the simple acts of life, such as cooking a delicious meal for a loved one or teaching a young child a skill. At my most base level, I believe I could and should be inherently happy. However, I have a hard time as I've been conditioned to equate wealth and success, in the form of capital accumulation, and career advancement, as determining happiness. In reality, I should place all that aside, and just attempt to live each moment to its full potential, knowing that this is the life I choose, and I have the ability to change it at any point if I so choose.

If you think you are wealthy ? what made you this wealth ? if you are not wealthy, what kept you back ?

I am not wealthy from a monetary point of view; however, emotionally, I am extremely wealthy. I have a loving family, a beautiful and caring wife, and 15-20 great friends whom I've known for over twenty years and would do anything to help me. Thus, I feel very lucky and successful in certain areas of my life. When it comes to monetary wealth, I lack the ambition to simply go out and try and makes tons of money. Lately, reality has set in, and I realize I've not maximized my true earning potential; yet, my goal is to transition to teaching as I believe I'll be a happier and more fulfilled individual.

What is your opinion on death ?

Death is the culmination of your earthly existence and the beginning of your true life as a being. So many people fear death, the "potential end of existence and the blackness that may ensue." I believe in an afterlife, one of beauty and joy, lacking all the pain and evil that occurs in this world. I believe each and every one of us will be judged and those whom have intentionally hurt others or killed others, will be punished appropriately. Those, who have tried to be good to other people, who have lived justly, will ascend to a much, much better place where pain and suffering is replaced by love and light.

What do you think is the most efficient way to make money ?

To start a business and have others make money for you.

What is THE MOST important thing to you in your life ? Why ?

My recent marriage to the love of my life is the most important thing in my life. I believe this relationship will not only define me but will give me strength during tough times. The person to whom I am married is a loving, kind, caring, intelligent, and sensual being, who makes me laugh, holds me when I cry, and supports me in nearly every endeavor I choose to partake. However, she is strong enough and confident enough to tell me when I'm being an ass or could be on a path to a large mistake. I think I've found what many people seek, and I'm just extremely pleased to have found a person as unique and beautiful as her.

If you had to pass on advise to your kids about how to live life, what would that be ?

Live your life the way you believe it should be lived. Do not live based on how others live or how others believe you should live. Do what makes you happy as long as you aren't hurting others nor yourself. Try and do one unique thing each and every week, in that way, you'll keep an open mind to certain activities and ideas.

Is a person in control of his/her destiny ? Why or why not ?

Yes, I truly believe we have free will.

Do you think it would be helpful for a person to read what you have said ? Why or why not ?

Maybe - to each their own. I think it is helpful to read other people's opinions in order to see that their are a billion different points of view. Sometimes, another's ideas influence your own worldview or thinking, helping you along your path but in the end, every individual is responsible for his or her actions and the consequences of these actions. I think it's good to live by the Golden Rule - "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."

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