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User Information

User Name:rayan
Sex Male
Age 51 - 60 years
Salary $10,000 - $50,000
Orientation Heterosexual
Address Dar-es-Salaam
Country of Birth Tanzania (United Republic of)
Country of Residence Tanzania (United Republic of)
Religion at Birth Muslim
Practicing Religion Muslim
Status at Birth Middle Class
Status Currently Middle Class

User's Background Information

A doctor from Tanzania who believes in simplicity. Happily married doctor. Completed his education in Chicago.

Opinions Expressed by User for the following Questions

What is your opinion on God ? religion ?

Allah is everywhere. No place on this earth is hidden from him. Religion is the way to live life.

What is your opinion on love ? sex ? marriage ?

Love is very complex. Very few can understand this. Love is best when it is more mature. Sex without emotions is just an exercise. You will feel life when you put in emotions into sex.

Are you happy ? Why or why not? How do you think a person can be happy ?

Yes I am happy. I am doing a good job. My patients are satisfied with my service. One can be happy by being happy. It is just a state of mind which you can tune anytime you wish for.

If you think you are wealthy ? what made you this wealth ? if you are not wealthy, what kept you back ?

Yes I am wealthy. I have everything with the blessings of Allah. I am in this profession for the last 25 years.

What is your opinion on death ?

Death is vital for the balance in nature. A stage comes when body stops functioning. Each and every part of your body is retarded.Then that extreme situation can be termed as DEATH.

What do you think is the most efficient way to make money ?

The most efficient way to make money is to do your profession with your heart. Don't do it for the sake of doing do it because you love it.

What is THE MOST important thing to you in your life ? Why ?

The most important thing in my life is my patients. I work for the betterment of them.

If you had to pass on advise to your kids about how to live life, what would that be ?

I tell them there are two ways of doing a work. One is do it simply and other is to do it by heart. Doing by heart makes a difference.

Is a person in control of his/her destiny ? Why or why not ?

No a person is not in control of his/her destiny. It can be changed at any point of time.

Do you think it would be helpful for a person to read what you have said ? Why or why not ?

Yes I think it would be helpful for a person. One should read others opinion. This gives them ideas.

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