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User Information

User Name:Reshma
Sex Female
Age Below 18 years
Orientation Heterosexual
Country of Birth United States of America
Country of Residence United States of America
Religion at Birth
Practicing Religion Muslim
Status at Birth Middle Class
Status Currently Middle Class

User's Background Information

I'm 15 years old and go to Timber creek High School. :)

Opinions Expressed by User for the following Questions

What is your opinion on God ? religion ?

God is an entity that created us and placed us on Earth as a test. As for religion, it's there as a cheat sheet for us humans, so that we will not fail our test and be put in hell on Judgment day.

Are you happy ? Why or why not? How do you think a person can be happy ?

I am happy. I am happy because I now know why we are on this planet, why we even exists in the first place, and also I feel at peace with my own self. I think people can be happy by believing in God. It brings peace and contentment to your life.

What is your opinion on death ?

Death is unavoidable. There's no stopping it. From the time you are conceived only one thing is certain. Not that you will will become a grandparent, or parent, or graduate college, or even be born into this world. No, the only certain thing is that one day, no matter, you will die.

What do you think is the most efficient way to make money ?

You don not need all the money in the world. Only enough to live a comfortable life.

What is THE MOST important thing to you in your life ? Why ?

The most important thing in my life is God. God has only made this world to test us and I don't want to fail it. So by making God my priority that will keep me focused on the hereafter. This life is nothing compared to life after death and I don't want to mess that up just to enjoy 60-70 years in this life when I will have eternity later.

If you had to pass on advise to your kids about how to live life, what would that be ?

Always keep God on your mind with every little thing you do. Also do your prayers to keep you organized and prioritized.

Is a person in control of his/her destiny ? Why or why not ?

I think that a person is in control of a part of his/her destiny. You think and make choices by yourself, but God is the one that knows exactly what will happen to you and when.

Do you think it would be helpful for a person to read what you have said ? Why or why not ?

I think that maybe it will give people an opinion, but they should find a path to God and religion their own way. You may interpret things differently than other people and listening to people might make you go in circles, not really going anywhere or learning anything that will help you see the straight path. By looking for yourself you will understand this world and religion better with a perspective of your own rather than others'.

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