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User Name:Dr. Trivedi
Sex Male
Age 61 - 70 years
Orientation Heterosexual
Country of Birth India (Republic of)
Country of Residence India (Republic of)
Religion at Birth
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Opinions Expressed by User for the following Questions

What is your opinion on God ? religion ?

The main question is whether God exists or not? Belief of God depends upon individual's perception as a God. If the God is perceived as super human being, who is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent, who is immortal and ruler of the universe, who is the ultimate adjudicator of individual's right or wrong actions, and who is the ultimate personality to reward or punish for the right or wrong action, then he does not exists for me. But if one conceives him as super natural force, responsible for creation and maintenance of whole complicated universe, who is also responsible for micro synergy between all living and non-living objects, who is conceived as some mystic force, responsible for maintaining acute synergism and co-ordination between millions of stars, plants and galaxies on this universe, then I really believe in his existence. Religion is nothing but the established blueprint for living the life. Survival and the reproduction are the basic characters of each living being. Unlike animals, the Homo- sapiens feel incomplete without the love and warmth from other human being. Homo-sapians started living in the groups to satisfy their hunger for human warmth, and to protect themselves from expected future dangers. The group living was the first step towards the formation of society and culture. Homo-sapian also realized that there is some unknown natural and powerful force which has considerable effect on his way of life. So he started respecting that unknown force. That was the first step towards the belief of God. Each religion has two definite gears.. The first and more impotent is its perception of God's image and his power over human being. The specific and unique perception of God, becomes the basic foundation, on which whole structure of he religion is built. The religious heads, preach regularly to their followers, regarding the perceived image and power of the God. They also prescribe various rituals, which are meant for pleasing the God and for getting his maximum favor. By second component he religion prescribes the rules which are meant for maintaining the unity and harmony for that specific social structure. The second component has given birth to different communities on this earth. Most of the common followers are unable to understand the basic philosophy of that religion, so they blindly follow the rituals. With the passage of time those rituals become central pivot around which all the religious activities rotate. The basic philosophy of that religion is replaced by mechanical and meaningless rituals. It seems that the so called religions have divided the whole man kind in to different religious groups. It is great surprise that even the basic philosophy of almost all religion is love and humanity; though maximum numbers of wars are fought to spread the message of love and humanity. I hate the religion, which create rift and feeling of hate, between two human beings. Spirituality and not the religion should be the guide to show the real path of love and humanity to the mankind..

What is your opinion on love ? sex ? marriage ?

Love and sex are the natural phenomena, while the marriage is he the social regulation created by the society. The idea of marriage is to prohibit undesirable sexual activities, which may destroy the social structure at long run. Love is the basic character of human spirit. Self survival, and species survival, is the natural instincts created by the nature in all the living organisms.. Food and protection from the danger are the basic needs for self survival.. And sexual act is the basic need for the survival of species. Nature has also provided strong sexual urge in all the living organisms. With the result, on maturity they desperately search for sexual partner, who can satisfy their sexual urge. Reproduction would not have been possible without strong sexual urge. End result would have been extinct of whole species. Institute of marriage is not found in most of the animal species. Sex and love has been created by the nature, while the marriages are created by the man. The law of marriage puts the responsibility on the shoulder of the parents. As such offspring are the by-products of the parent’s sexual activity. So they should be made responsible for their rearing. In absence of such regulation, progeny would not be looked after properly. Institute of marriage also expects mutual trust and commitment for each other. The marriage will not survive long in the absence of trust and commitment. In spite of all the positive points of marriage, there is one negative point. The person has to sacrifice part of his freedom for the satisfaction of his spouse desire and ego. If he or she will try to keep his or her freedom intact, then It will affect on the smooth relationship. One has to make the choice between absolute independence and happy marriage.

Are you happy ? Why or why not? How do you think a person can be happy ?

Yes, some time I am happy and some time I am not. As such happiness is the state of mind. It is the feeling, which gives pleasurable sensations. It is pleasure giving response of the mind to the external stimuli, or events. One can be happy after getting testy food, after watching good movie, after reading good book, after having healthy sex, after having good chat with the friend, after creating good painting, or after writing good article. . Our mind has inbuilt mechanism to categorize certain events as pleasure giving and certain events as not pleasure giving. Individual mind being unique and specific, the response to the particular stimuli is also unique and specific. So the event which give pleasure to one person, may not give same pleasure to another person. Happiness is closely connected with the fulfillment of personal ego. When that ego is satisfied, person gets the feeling of happiness, but when his ego is hurt he is very unhappy. This specific feeling is also connected with the desire. If desire is fulfilled, person feels happy, if not he is unhappy. So the quotient of happiness is always less then one. ******* Quotient of happiness = Expectations fulfilled / Total expectations of life ********* If denominator is large then there is less chance of becoming happy, if denominator is small then chances of getting happiness is more. As per the medical science, chemical hormone named endorphin is secreted in the brain when the person is having the feeling of happiness. It is not certain whether the secretion of endorphin is the cause or result of happiness. Happiness can not be purchased from the market, nor it can be learned from the books. Because it is within the self, one should know the technique to discover it. Positive attitude towards the life can assist the person who desires to open the doors of happiness.

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